Cora Breakfast & Lunch

Type de restaurant

  • Restaurant déjeuner,

Type de cuisine

  • Cuisine canadienne,
  • Internationale,


  • Brunch,
4270 137 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T5Y 2W7
Information utile


  • 11 $ à 25 $,

Évaluations et commentaires - Cora Breakfast & Lunch

Quelle note donneriez-vous à cette entreprise?
  • Excellent
  • Très bien
  • Bien
  • Faible
  • Mauvais
  • Atmosphère:
  • Nourriture:
  • Service:
Tim H

The service was terrible. The waitress ignored me and was rude to me, i had to get up and yell "excuse me!" After she came to my table asked me if i needed anything then walked away saying "oh, your fine, ill be back later". I was for sure ignored on purpose. Real bad vibe in there, not the way i want to start my mornings, which is a shame, because their food is good, but it doesnt taste so good when i have to deal with sour people.

Atmosphère: 1/5
Nourriture: 4/5
Service: 1/5
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Rick M

My wife and mysel...

My wife and myself always like to go to Cora not only because of the good food, but also because of the story behind it. However, what happened this afternoon really disappointed us and we would like to believe it isn't part of Cora's standards. We went to Cora today and after the bill came, we wanted to use a gift card we had. Unfortunately, it had recently expired and neither us nor the ladie who was at the till were aware of it. After swiping the gift card, she noticed that and told us she needed to call the manager once she had already used the card. The manager came and he was so rude. He told us the card was expired and he couldn't accept it even after we asked him if he would make an exception because we hadn't noticed it had an expire date. He wasn't courteous at all, and just kept showing us the expire date, so we just said ok and how much we should pay. The chief problem was that the staff had swiped the card already and apparently the manager couldn't void the transaction. He then started to be really rude to the ladie and told her that he was going to take the money from her paid cheque. My wife and I were so shocked, and so we told him we didn't want her to pay for that. I told the manager that his customer service was horrible and he was a terrible manager. We also said we couldn't believe he preferred to lose a costumer than to accept the $10 card. We then took ten dollares out of our wallet and gave to the staff because we didn't want anything to be discounted from her. He then took the money and didn't say a word. Bottom line is my wife and I decided to not come back to Cora since we obviously do not like to be mistreated nor cannot stand injustice.

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Juliana F

Horrible customer service by the manager

My husband and myself always like to go to Cora but what happened this afternoon really disappointed us. We wanted to use a gift card we had. The manager came and rudely told us the card was expired and he couldn't accept it even after we asked him if he would make an exception because we hadn't noticed it. He not only did not accept our request but also threatened the staff to discount $10 off her pay cheque for not noticing it had an expire date. We decided to not come back to Cora anymore.

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