
Type de cuisine

  • Internationale,
  • Régionale,


  • Brunch,


  • Réservation,
  • Permis d'alcool,

Langues parlées

  • Anglais,
14229 23 Ave NW, Edmonton AB T6R 3E7
Information utile

Heures d'ouverture *Horaire des Fêtes

Vérifier avec le marchand


  • 11 $ à 25 $,

Modes de paiement:

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Ce contenu est uniquement en anglais

Imagine a place where everyone knows your name. But instead of the iconic fictional Cheers bar, it’s a reality, come to life in Hart’s Table & Bar. The neighbourhood restaurant aims to be not only a fun hangout spot for locals but also a home-away-from-home for all guests. The open interior strikes a balance between upscale and casual, with a variety of seating – including a living room area with comfy chairs and a striking design you may be tempted to copy at home. In addition, the menu boasts familiar comfort food made with fun twists.

This family-friendly spot transforms from a place where everyone can enjoy weekend brunch (carrot cake pancakes, anyone?) to a relaxing but fun adults-only atmosphere after 8 pm. “It gives all the parents an opportunity to go out and unwind,” says Darren Malko, general manager. On sunny days, the spacious patio is filled with guests enjoying a fancy take on familiar foods, like grilled cheese and meatloaf. “We feel we have a diverse menu that will have unique options for everybody,” says Darren. “Either we try to put a twist on it or stay away from your traditional restaurant fare. That way, when people come out, they see something unique and they’re intrigued by it.”

Whether you’re perched on a cozy stool at the New York-style 40-foot long bar or hosting a family dinner in the corner banquet, you’re sure to find a relaxing spot to unwind. Often, bachelor or bachelorette party-goers can be seen sharing appetizers and drinking cocktails in the indoor living room while friends watch a game one of the big screen televisions. “When the owner decided to create a space like this, he wanted to make it so that it was an upscale-style, casual dining atmosphere,” explains Darren. “We set out to be the world’s greatest neighbourhood restaurant and bar. Having different seating options and a wide variety of decor helps us achieve that.”

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