Canadiana Restaurant & Lounge

Type de restaurant

  • Lounge,

Type de cuisine

  • Cuisine américaine,


  • Hamburger,

Langues parlées

  • Anglais,
15 Lakelands Blvd, Halifax NS B3S 1G4
Information utile

Heures d'ouverture *Horaire des Fêtes

Vérifier avec le marchand


  • 11 $ à 25 $,

Modes de paiement:

Évaluations et commentaires - Canadiana Restaurant & Lounge

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  • Mauvais

    Worst Experience EVER!!!

    I had the worst experience at the Canadiana this past weekend. My grandfather turned 90 and the whole family went there for lunch April 3rd, 2011. We made a reservation for 20 people and yes 6 extra people showed up so our party was a little larger then it should have been however, I went up to speak with the waitress and manager before everyone arrived to let them know. They said they would not be able to sit 6 more people because they had a church group coming in and had to turn people away already. I advised them that right beside out table there were 2 free booths and asked if we could just have those, there answer … no. There were also lots of empty tables so an extra 6 people should not have been a problem. Well, not so…when I got back to the table my cousin and aunt moved to 2 booths that were beside our table and when I said they might want to let the waitress know my cousin went down to tell her. She told my cousin that she better eat fast eating because they have to be out of the booth in ½ an hour. Then the rest of our party came and it was a disaster, the manager started to get nasty with everyone and told some of the people in our group that we should take out party to another restaurant that there were lots of others in the area…WHAT …Really…you want 26 paying customers to move there business to another restaurant….that is not good for business. Then he said that we had 2 tables and kept pointing at the one beside ours that other people were sitting at so if they really had two tables set aside for us then they gave one of them away. We told him the people at that table are not with us, we don’t even know them but he just kept arguing and pointing at the table telling us those were our 2 table and to sit down at them and get out of the way. He was so mad the whole time he was yelling at us and then we just all sat down in 3 booths and the one table that was ours and that was that we were not moving. The whole time we were there no church group came and there were tons of extra tables that we could have sat at, he just wanted to be nasty. Needless to say none of my family will be going back to the Canadiana Restaurant &Lounge, 5 LAKELANDS BLVD, HALIFAX, NS B3S 1G4. The Canadiana restaurant has the worst service going as far as I and my 25 other family members can tell and if it wasn’t for my grandfather we would have all left and as he stated found another restaurant in the area that would have provided 26 paying customers with better more friendly service. NO TIP FOR YOU!!!!!

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