
Langues parlées

  • Anglais,
170 James St, Hamilton ON L8R 2L1
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After managing Toronto’s Dark Horse Espresso for three years, Hamilton native David “Rocky” Ricottone felt the “steel city” winds calling him home. “Like most hometown stories, it’s good to cut your teeth somewhere else and bring back what you’ve learned,” says Rocky.

Continuing to master the art of cooking, he formed a supper club in pop-up locations throughout Hamilton. Breaking bread with a table of hand-picked taste testers gave him the opportunity to develop new creative dishes and carve out a niche.

During a memorable transaction with a regular supper club attendee (where Rocky was selling his guitar to purchase an engagement ring), a discussion developed around a vacant building on James Street North. “He had this space and didn’t know what to do with it,” recalls Rocky. “So, right then and there, we developed the idea to open a kickass espresso bar that serves kickass food.” The pair penned a written agreement on a napkin and Saint James Espresso Bar & Eatery was born.

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