Meat, milk, and eggs have been popular mainstays of the national diet ever since the days of the pioneers. With a little effort, you will be able to achieve self-sufficiency in some, if not all, of these staples.
29 juillet 2015
Meat, milk, and eggs have been popular mainstays of the national diet ever since the days of the pioneers. With a little effort, you will be able to achieve self-sufficiency in some, if not all, of these staples.
To keep pace with the demand for meat and dairy products, farmers have worked to find new ways to make animals grow bigger, gain weight faster and produce more abundantly. But their advances have not been without some drawbacks.
You don't have to remain bound by the limits and costs of mass production.
Do not let anyone persuade you that raising animals is particularly easy.
If you want to truly know exactly what your family is eating, the best way is to raise the livestock yourself. You can protect your family from chemicals and hormones, while also saving money as food prices continue to rise. If you have the space and the time, why not start your own personal farm?
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