With a few small changes you can make your home office a pleasant place to be, as well as a tidy and efficient workplace. Here are a few practical tips to guide you.
12 août 2015
With a few small changes you can make your home office a pleasant place to be, as well as a tidy and efficient workplace. Here are a few practical tips to guide you.
The traditional L-shaped work station is efficient for tasks that involve a lot of paperwork.
An important feature of a good home office is a sense of separation from other household activities.
If you don't have the luxury of a separate room in which to set up your office, set up a barrier made from screens or shelving units to create the illusion of a discrete space.
When creating an office within a room, use a large rug to help define the space, and install lighting that creates a working atmosphere over your work space.
Another way to define an office space is to choose colours, fabrics and textures for the furniture, fittings, wall paint and wallpaper that are different from but harmonious with those in the surrounding room.
Clean up the messy clutter of wires that hang down behind a computer desk with a "cable organizer."
To cut glare, avoid painting the walls of your office or work area white.
When working on a computer, it's important to keep overhead lighting no brighter than the computer screen to prevent eye strain.
Angle a desk lamp so that it lights your work without dazzling you.
Good air quality is important for staying alert and fresh while you work.
While you're planning for and setting up your home office, keep these practical tips in mind and you'll be more likely to make a work space that's pleasant and keeps you focused.
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